"Bebo" Wergelandshaugen, Eidsvoll 2024
Hvitsten Salong 2023
"skinvelop" galleri MELK 2023
Future Fair 2022, Chelsea Industrial, New York, US
"grapple grasp" galleri MELK 2021
Oslo Negativ - A photo festival at Gamle Deichmanske Bibliotek, NO (2021)
Chart artfair 2021 - Copenhagen
f / stop - Festival for Photography Leipzig - curated by Susan Bright and Nina Strand (2021)
NEW VISIONS - The Henie Onstad Triennial for Photography and New Media - 1st edition 2020
Knex, Knax, Knoxs, Virvx & Handl - Fotografihuset, Sukkerbiten, Oslo - Curated by Jonas Ekeberg,2020
Claim Your Superior Bone (2020) in collaboration with Admir Batlak
Physical/Playtime - KODE, Bergen (2020)
Lilith Diamond - Lilithistene - Tro, haap og kjaerlighet - Akershus Kunstsenter 2020
Gripp Extended - Sandefjord Kunstforening in collaboration with Jennie Hagevik Bringaker (2020)
Virveltribbel - Kunstnerforbundet (2019)
VIRVX - Gallery Knipsu, Bergen (2018)
GRIPP - Gallery Tenthaus, with Jennie Hagevik Bringaker (2018)
KNOXS - Sparebankstiftelsen dnb stipendutstilling (2017)
KNAX - MELK gallery (2017)
KNEX - Akershus Kunstsenter (2017)
Landskrona fotofestival (2017)
Liv & Virke - The Norwegian sculpture biennale 2017 (catalog project) - a selection.
Why do things get in a muddle? - Fotogalleriet, Oslo (2016)
Kneganger (2016) - Galleri Galleberg
FORHoeST 2015 - with Admir Batlak - galleri 1857
Angel 2 Condensed (book)
Teriorer - One night Only - A collaboration with Admir Batlak (2014)
RestrictedFlora (2014)
Folde t (HD video 6:11) 2013
Older works (selection)
PROJECTS (a selection)