
Represented by galleri MELK, Oslo  -

2015: Academin Valand, School of Photography, Gothenburg, Independent Project (6 mnd).
2003-2006: Oslo National Academy of the Arts , BA Institute for Colour/ Visual Arts.
2005: Konstfack, University College of Arts, Crafts and Design, Faculty of Fine Arts, Stockholm.
2002-2003: Folkeuniversitetet, Art and Design school- Foundation in photography.
1999-2000: Skolen for samtidsdans - 1 year foundation school in contemporary dance at Spin-off dance studio, Oslo, NO.

2024 - 1.12.2025: "Modeller og miniatyrer"  Teknisk museum, Oslo. 
2025: ?Prisms of Myopia?  at Gamle Munch Kunsthall, curated by Monica Holmen.
2025: galleri MELK, Oslo (solo).

2024: "Bebo" at Wergelandshaugen, Eidsvoll (with Admir Batlak and dancer Hanna Mjaavatn)  curated by Anne Weyer-Larsen.
2023: "skinvelop" gallery  MELK, Oslo.
2022: The Future Fair 2022. Chelsea Industrial, New York City, US. Represented by gallery MELK.
2021: "grapple grasp" at galleri MELK, Oslo.
2021: Oslo Negativ (represented by gallery MELK, Oslo) - A photofestival at Gamle Deicmanske Bibliotek, Oslo. 
2021: Chart Artfair, Copenhagen, DK (represented by gallery Melk, Oslo).
2021: TRUST - f/stop - 9. Festival fur Fotografie Leipzig 2021 - curated by Susan Bright and Nina Strand. 
2020: "Claim Your Superior Bone"  Galleri No place, Oslo - A collaborative project with Admir Batlak. 
2020: "Gripp extended" Sandefjord kunstforening - A collaborative project with Jennie Hagevik Bringaker.
2020: "Knax, Knex, Knoxs, Virvx & Handl" - outdoor solo show at Fotografihuset, Sukkerbiten 2020. Curated by Jonas EKeberg.
2018: "Virvx" gallery Knipsu, Bergen. 
2018: "Gripp" gallery Tenthaus, Oslo, NO - A collaborative project with Jennie Hagevik Bringaker. 
2017: DNB Sparebankstiftelsen stipendutstilling, Oslo Kunstforegning.
2017: "Kneganger"  Landskrona Fotofestival, SV 
2017: "Knax " galleri MELK , Oslo.
2017: "Knex " Akershus Art Center, Lillestrom.
2016: "Kneganger" Gallery Galleberg, Tonsberg.
2015: "FORHOEST" A collaborative project with Admir Batlak - Galleri 1857, Oslo.
2014: "Vegg i mellom " Sogne Gamle Prestegaard w/ Stine Wexelsen Goksoyr.
2014: "teriorer"  A collaboration w/Admir Batlak - One night Only gallery, Oslo.
2014: "putte ord i munnen" gallery Rake, Trondheim, NO w/ Stine Wexelsen Goksoyr.
2013: "Aa Oyne " Podium, Oslo, NO w/Stine Wexelsen Goksoyr.
2013: "Folde t " gallery Holodech, Oslo.

2024/25: "Open up your eyes" Melk x Hoyersten Contemporary, Bergen.
2024: "Prisms of Myopia" Oslo Negativ / Bjorka, Curatet by Monica Holmen, Den gamle Veterin?rh?gskolen, Oslo.
2024: Forbundet Frie Fotografer 50 yrs, Fotogalleriet, Oslo.
2023: "Acquired Taste"  Hos Arne - Kuratert av Jan Christensen.
2023: Oslo Negativ, fotofestival paa gamle Veterinaerhogskolen (representert av Studio Technica).
2023: Hostutstillingen, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo.
2023: hvitsten salong 2023.
2023: Equinor Art Programme 50th yrs anniversary exhibition, curated by Grete Aarbu - Stavanger.
2022: "Corpus"  Nytt fotografi i samlingen - Henie Onstad Art Center.
2021: "Light of my life" - gallery Dopsgate 4, Oslo, NO. A group show curated by Noah Hunter Lov Johansen.
2020: New Visions - the Henie Onstad Triennale for Photography and New Media, The Henie Onstad Art Center.
2020: "Return to Sender"  verk from the collection of  kunst paa arbeidsplassen - Kunstplass contemporary art, Oslo. 
2020: "Om aa boye virkeligheten" Baerum Kunsthall - A group show curated by Hanne Cecilie Gulstad.
2020: BONANZAZA - Akershus Art Center  - Exit Akershus Kunstsenter! Curated by Monica Holmen.
2019: The christmas exhibition - Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo.
2019: The spring exhibition - Fotogalleriet, Oslo.
2019: Juniutstillingen - KUNSTNERFORBUNDET, Oslo. Curated by Kari Skippervold.
2019: STILL LIFE - QB gallery, Oslo.
2019: Oslo grafikkmesse, represented by Galleri MELK.
2018: Tiblisi Night of Photography 2018.
2017/18: Works from the collection - Haugar Vestfold Artmuseum, Tonsberg.
2018: "Dislocating Surfaces" at Centro de la Imagen / Mexico City - curated by galleri MELK.
2017: Juleutstillingen - Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo.
2017: The Norwegian Sculpture Biennale, Oslo. Curated by Steffen Handlykken.
2016: "Prayer" Ulterior gallery, LES, New York, US.
2016: "Why do things get in a muddle" Fotogalleriet, Oslo.
2016: "A Collective Psychogeographical Guide to Oslo" a satellite exhibition for the Norwegian Drawing Biennale 2016,Oslo,NO
2016: "Slow Pictures - Contemporary photography"  Lillehammer Art Museum, Lillehammer, NO
2016: "Some observations"  Christian Duvernois gallery curated by Residency Unlimited, Nyc, US
2016: Springexhibition - Gallery TM51, Oslo
2015: "Island Fever"  Galleri Gamle Ormelet, Tjome, NO. Vurated by Kaja Gimle and Gunhild Torgersen.
2015:  Noosphere, New York, Us.
2014: Assab One, Milano, IT. 
2013/14: "Folde t" (performance) - at The Norwegian Sculpture Biennale, Vigelandsparken, NO. Invited to participate in the work "anatomisk teater" by Petrine Lillevold Vinje.
2013: The Annual National exhibition of visual arts - Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo.
2013: Gangart - Kunstforeningen Verdens Ende, Tjome.
2012: The Annual National exhibition of visual arts - Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo.
2012: Lejlighed Horizont presenterer "A limited matter" Copenhagen, DK. Curated by Moa Alskog.
2011: The Annual National exhibition of visual arts - Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo.
2011: ++ Black Box Theater, Oslo.
2010: The Host gallery, London, UK.
2010: The Annual National exhibition of visual arts - Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo.
2009: The Spring Exhibition- Fotogalleriet, Oslo.
2008: "Morkeromsbilder "  Preus Museum, Horten.

2023: Moellersamlingen, NO.
2021: Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, FI.
2021: National Museum of Fine Arts, Oslo Norway.
2021: Moellersamlingen, NO.
2021: Oslo Kommunes Kunstsamling.
2020: Henie Onstad Arts Centre.
2020: Equinor Art Programme.
2020: Den kulturelle skolesekken i gamle Buskerud.
2019: NRK.
2019: University of Oslo.
2017: Kunst på Arbeidsplassen, NO..
2016: Haugar Vestfold Artmuseum, NO.
2016: Den kulturelle skolesekken i Telemark.
2016: Imago Mundi collection, IT.
2014: Sara Christensens collection.

2023: KORO - Kongsberg Vgs.
2022: KORO - Tiller vgs. Trondheim, NO.
2019: KORO - Riksteateret i Nydalen, NO
2024: Fornebubanen - Flytaarnet subway station - Oslo Kommune.
2023: Sentralbadet Scenekunsthus, Bergen - Bergen Kommune.

2024: Der greif 17 "One day soon" - curated by Torbjoern Roedland.
2024: Forbundet Frie Fotografer 50 yrs.
2020: In conjunction with the exhibition New Visions - Why Photography?  published by Skira Editore. Edited by Behzad Farazollahi, Bjarne Bare and Christian Tunge, and co-edited by Susanne Ostby Saether. 
2019: 100 Norwegian Photographers, Curated and edited by the artist Ina Otzko.
2017: GR-09022017, SKREID Publishing / Fotogalleriet / Silja Leifsdottir.
2016: Sakte Bilder - Contemporary art photography - Lillehammer Artmuseum.
2016: Objektiv #13 - The Norwegian journal on contemporary lense-based art
2014: Artist book Condensed Angel 2 - Multipress, NO.
2008: Morkeromsbilder - Bjorka 10 years - Press Publishing.


PROJECTS (selection)

2024 -25: Contributing photographer and documentation on the performing arts project ENE by Mari B?.
2022: Video documentation for Lene Baadsvig Ohrmen's sculpture and sound performance "AA11XXX" feat. Microtub,
Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo.
2020: Video scenography in connection with Sverre Breivik's performance PHYSICAL/PLAYTIME - at Taarnsalen, Kode in Bergen. 
More info:
2019: Cinematographer for Mai Hofstad Gunne's film "When A is G". More info:
2020: "The Liliths" a collective group project by director Itonje Soimer Guttormsen at Akershus Art Center.
2019: Contibuted in WDLND project and publication atThe Annual National exhibition of visual arts - Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo.
2019: STAFETT II -  Initiated by Nina Strand (the editor of The Norwegian journal on contemporary lense-based art Objektiv) and Tomas Lagermand Lundme.
2018: Norsk Billedhoggerforening - A photo publication initiated by Erik Steen and the Norwegian Sculptors society, documenting the renovation of Hekkveien 5.
2016: Contributed in the artist duo Trollkrem (Jennie Hagevik Bringaker and Tor Erik Boe) solo exhibition at Fotogalleriet, Oslo, NO.
2015: "EDEN OSLO - A confirmation" -  A group projected and ritual performance initiated and directed by Itonje Soimer Guttormsen, Middelalderparken, Oslo, NO.  (An investigation of collective possibilities inspired by Lilith, Adams first wife who found Eden too safe, Adam too rigid and God asleep.) More info:


RELATED WORK (selection)
2023 - 25: Jury member for The Spring Exhibition, organised and established bt the Norwegian Association of Fine Arts Photographers? 
2022: Kunstvisitten - a travelin exhibition produced by Nitjar Senter for Samtidskunst (Kunstvisitten shows and communicates through artist talks to as many as 15 different activity centres, day centers and mental health institutions).
2021-22: Chairman of Stiftelsen Bjorka - a studio and joint work collective for camera-based artists in Oslo.
2021-22: Jury member for Ostlandsutstillingen 21 and 22.
2015-19: Jury member for Norsk Fotografisk Fond
2012-15: Deputy member of the scholarship committee for Fond for lyd og bilde.
2014-17: board member and assistant chairman of Stiftelsen Bjorka.
2009-12: board member of Stiftelsen Bjorka.


PRESS (selection)
2023: OFKS Blogg
2022: Collector Daily http://
2021: Henie Onstad Art Center
2021: Taz!5778965/
2020: Kunstkritikk
2020: Stir World
2020: Dagbladet -
2020: Subjekt -
2020: Objektiv
2020: Kunstavisen
2018: The CROMARTY
2018: Kunstkritikk
2017: Kunstkritikk
2017: Morgenbladet
2017: Thomas og den vanskelige kunsten - NRK TV
2013: Kunstforum